The Oscar Davila Training Center
We are excited to report that the eagerly awaited Oscar Davila Training Center is soon to be completed!
This training center will be top-of-the-line and offer critical welding training, real heat exchanger mock-up and water tank building simulation, as well as obstacle challenges in rigging exercises for our members and students. This 40-welding-booth facility will offer over 30,000 square feet of training space. In addition, the parking lot will be used for exercises like gouging and oxy acetylene cutting practicing. This space is designed, inside and out, to help Boilermakers eager to expand their skillset to learn and grow.
The construction for this building was affected by the loss of our business manager, Oscar Davila, who lost his life to the Covid-19 pandemic. His loss is a true tragedy, and he is sorely missed.
The intended opening has been delayed due to multiple obstacles in the past year, but thanks to the hard work of everyone involved with this project, we anticipate a tentative interior completion date of February 8th, 2021. This date will be subject to change but at our current full-throttle pace, we anticipate a speedy completion.
Boilermakers Local 92 reminds our membership to remain safe and in a good state of mind for ourselves and family. Take care.