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BNAP (Boilermakers National Apprenticeship Program) This intense training of the apprenticeship involves high pressure vessel welding, critical rigging and heavy fabrication in short notice situations, along with a heavy concentration in math. These are a few vital skills that you will learn as a Boilermaker Apprentice. The BNAP strives to implement advanced training techniques and over 100 years of history and experience, we are dedicated to creating highly skilled craftsman and women to be the Boilermakers of the future.
Common Arc
The Common Arc Program conducts mass weld qualifications throughout the country with each welder obtaining a six-month certification from contractors and in some instances, the owner community. Hosting these events nationally saves the contractors up to 95% cost of testing welders and also simplifies the hiring and testing of welders nation wide.
M.O.S.T. (Mobilization, Optimization, Stabilization and Training) – are designed to increase the skill levels of all Boilermakers, and provide value to the Owners and Contractors who employ them. Since its inception, MOST Programs have resulted in a 90% reduction in OSHA recordable injuries. The 16 programs that comprise MOST were developed and designed specifically for the Boilermaker trade and are categorized in one of four dedicated components based on their intent. Implementing this program into our trade and using OSHA fundamentals for the job has been great success in training boilermakers for work and assembles a skilled workforce every time.
Thinking of Becoming a Foreman or Steward?
Our organization prioritizes the recruiting and training of members that exhibit leadership qualities and have a passion to grow. We have hundreds of projects nationwide that offer the opportunity expand skill sets offer excellent positions demanding perfection in communication and quality control of work. We at Boilermakers Local 92 offer leadership training and stewards training for those who seek a challenge and show a passion for making every job shine from beginning to end. Please inquire if you wish to attend our training and partner with us to become a superintendent, general foreman, foreman, steward or lead for our proud organization.

Learn about Health, Annuity and Pension Benefits from the Boilermaker National Funds.

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