Pay Dues
Keep on top of you membership
2021 Dues Schedule
The Boilermakers International has set dues for the year 2021 at $59.00 per month.
As a reminder, these monthly dues are to be paid by yourself – not your employer. They are due the first of each month.
There is a 60 day grace period on dues, but after these 60 days, your membership will be suspended.
Please pay your dues ahead of time.
How to Pay
Pay through our online vendor Red Brace. The button below will take you to their site.
The best way to pay your dues is through your bank’s bill pay. Have them automatically send us a check each month. This safe and secure way keeps your dues paid every month without you forgetting to do so. If you are paying this way already remember to adjust the new dues amount for your 2021 payments.
Make a payment in person at the union hall. After hours, drop off cash or another form of payment or through the door slot.
Mail a check or money order to the Boilermakers office.
Call the office at 909-877-9382 to make a credit card payment. Additional fees apply. Note that towards the end of the month the phones are very busy.